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Do You or Your Loved One Need Mental Health Care in Surrey, BC, Canada?

Dec 16

When it comes to mental health, many people turn to counsel, psychotherapy, and other forms of treatment. One of the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR in Surrey, BC is a comprehensive psychotherapy treatment that uses eye movement and other techniques to help individuals address unresolved memories and behaviors that are preventing them from reaching their full potential. EMDR was developed in the late 1980s by American psychologist Francine Shapiro, and it has since been used to treat trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The goal of EMDR is to help individuals reprocess and store traumatic experiences in a more positive way. EMDR Surrey, BC is an evidence-based practice, meaning there is scientific research to back up its effectiveness in treating anxiety and depression.

When engaging in EMDR therapy Surrey, individuals are asked to focus on the issue they are trying to address while a practitioner helps guide them through the use of bilateral stimulation, such as wearing headphones that alternately stimulate the left and right sides of the brain. The bilateral stimulation causes the brain to enter into a state of rapid eye movements, allowing individuals to access and process experiences stored in their subconscious. Through this, individuals can recognize and address underlying issues that triggered their anxiety and depression. The process of EMDR Surrey is usually broken up into several phases, and each session can generally last anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. 

In the Treatment Planning Phase, the EMDR session's objectives and the details of the process are discussed. The therapeutic history is also collected during this phase. 

During the Preparation Phase, the individual is taught several self-soothing techniques to ensure they are able to maintain a stable state in and out of the therapy session. It is in this phase that the EMDR therapist Surrey will determine if the client is suitable to proceed with the following steps or if more preparation is needed.

In the Assessment phase, the trauma, its context, and the beliefs that the individual has about themselves are identified.

In the Desensitization Phase, the individual is instructed to focus on the traumatic memory, along with any negative beliefs that have arisen from it, and begin bilateral stimulation. The EMDR therapist Surrey directs the individual to access and reprocess experiences gradually and in a safe, non-traumatizing way. This phase is complete when the individual no longer feels any disturbance with the traumatic memory.

During the Installation Phase, the EMDR therapist Surrey then utilizes bilateral stimulation to move the individual to fully embrace a more adaptive belief and response regarding the memory. This phase is complete when the individual fully believes in the validity of their positive belief regarding the memory.

Next, the individual is instructed to check their body for any physical disturbance related to the memory as a change in the nervous system in addition to the change in thinking is required for changes in behavior to occur.

In the Closure Phase, the EMDR therapist Surrey and the client debrief in order to either end the session or continue on to the next treatment target.

Finally, the Re-Evaluation Phase occurs in the following session, where the EMDR therapist checks on the work from the previous session. Once determined the traumatic memory has been fully processed, the treatment moves to either another target along the treatment sequence or the treatment are concluded.

While EMDR is useful in treating anxiety and depression, it is important to note that it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals should speak to their doctor or a Certified EMDR Therapist to determine if EMDR is right for them.

EMDR is a powerful and effective tool for treating anxiety and depression, especially when used in conjunction with other forms of counseling and psychotherapy. It is important to remember that EMDR is a psychological treatment and should not be used instead of medication or other treatments prescribed by a doctor. Overall, EMDR is an evidence-based practice that has been proven to be successful in treating anxiety and depression. It requires a dedicated provider and an engaged client, and it can be an incredibly effective tool for those struggling with mental health issues.

Grigore Counselling
19567 Fraser Hwy Mailbox #469, Surrey, BC V3S 6K7
(604) 330-8697