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Fat Reduction North Scottsdale

Nov 27

We often associate the term "diet" with restricting our food intake to lose weight. However, is dieting as effective as it seems? Although many believe that dieting to lose weight is a good idea it can cause your body to go into starvation mode which can be dangerous for your health.

Restricting food groups can lead to a reduction in nutrient intake and a decrease in the number of vitamins and minerals that we need.

If you have been trying to lose weight by dieting, we will tell you six reasons you shouldn't.

1. You can become weak by dieting.

According to an article published in Annals of Internal Medicine, a low-carb diet can cause fatigue. Your body loses two essential nutrients, which are vital for proper operation and energy when you eat low-carb/low-fat.

2. An eating disorder can develop from a diet.

Although you might think that a weight loss diet is a good idea and a great idea, the American National Eating Disorders Association reports that 35 percent of normal dieters end up with pathological eating disorders. Nearly 20% of people who diet develop eating disorders, according to the organization. Although diet is not the only factor that can lead to an eating disorder, it can play a significant role in the development of the disorder.

3. Lack of proper nutrition could be a side effect.

Your health may be at risk if you attempt to lose weight in fat reduction north scottsdale. You are denying your body not only calories but also nutrients like fat. Remember that fat is an essential fuel source for the body as well as a support for cell proliferation.

Nutrients are chemical compounds found in food that are essential for good health and life. This image was provided by Shutterstock.

4. Losing muscle mass may be caused by diet.

Extreme dieting can cause muscle loss. This can lead to decreased strength and endurance. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that calorie restriction can cause weight loss and muscle mass loss. This is a major drawback to dieting.

5. Dieting can cause hair loss.

Hair loss could be due to diet restrictions. A study published in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual Medicine found that a lack of proper nutrition can lead to hair loss and weaken hair follicles.

6. Over time, you end up gaining weight.

You won't lose weight if you eat normally again. Aggressive diets lower your metabolism rate, which slows down your body's ability to burn fat.